Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Activities and a Freebie

Whew! The weekend has flown by! We had parent/teacher conferences Friday afternoon and evening. Not sure I'm a big fan of Friday night conferences......but, it's always good to have a chance to talk to parents and see how they think the year is going.  I have a whole class full of smarties this year so, needless to say, my conferences went great!

Saturday morning I had to say goodbye to a sweet friend's mom.  It was sad. As I sat there listening to the family and her friends speak of what a Godly woman she was, they spoke of her compassion and generosity to others, it made me feel good to have known her. It made me think about what others would say about me. What would my legacy be? Would others say I was compassionate, kind, thoughtful, generous, or Godly? As I start my week I pray that I will think of these things as I interact with my colleagues, students, friends and of course my family.

The rest of my weekend has been filled with working on my lessons.  I am excited to start working on some turkey activities this week.  Last week I gave my kiddos a How to cook a Turkey paper that I do every year.  It is so much fun! I love reading their answers!  Here is a look at a few:

First you put it in the oven.
Next you take the turkey out.
Then you put a clock thing in it.
Last you eat the turkey.

The clock thing is the meat thermometer. 
Too cute!

 First kill           
Next cook        
Then take it out
Last eat            

I love it! Direct and to the point!

 First cook it
Next burn it
Then taste it
Last eat it

 First you have to have a turkey 
Next you need a pan                  
Then you need sauce                 
Last you need to eat it               
 Everything always tastes better
with a sauce on it, right?         

You can grab this writing activity in my Thanksgiving Creative Writing Activities

We will also be practicing counting on in Math with our Turkey Counting On cards which you can get by clicking on the picture below.

 We will use a Turkey Response Sheet record our addition problems.
Now it's time for a FREEBIE! Click here to get it!

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