Monday, May 5, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Giveaway and Blog Hop 2014!!!

I'm so excited to be a part of this Teacher Appreciation Giveaway and Blog Hop! A big thanks to Amy over at Teaching in Blue Jeans for putting this giveaway and blog hop together. Check out my blog below then enter the giveaway. After that, hop on over to Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten so you can keep on hoppin' and pick up some Freebies along the way!

 Where is Spring?????

I don't know about where you are, but here in Maine it seems Spring will never come! My first grade kiddos have been studying weather while we wait for Spring to arrive.

We have been studying clouds. Each day we take out our cloud and weather charts and look up to the sky and observe the weather. There's just something about going outside with clipboards that motivates my kiddos. They loved it!!

The first thing we did was observe the clouds. Each day we drew what the clouds looked like.

After that, we filled out our weather charts. We checked the clouds. Then we looked at the flag to see if it was blowing in the wind to help us determine whether the wind was blowing or not.

We made the cutest cloud flip chart.

We labeled and completed our water cycles.

They did a great job on these!

We also did  a rain cloud in a jar experiment. They loved it! I got this great idea from over at Growing a Jeweled Rose. If you would like to check out her blog click here:  Rain Cloud in a Jar
First we asked our essential question and gave our hypothesis. We then wrote our step by step procedure. Here are some pictures that we took of our experiment.

After the experiment we drew what happened. Here are how our papers turned out.

One hypothesis: "It's going to explode."
Another hypothesis: "It might rain."

And another one, "It's gonna blow up."  I love this one. He even put the dropper in the picture.

I think the reason some of them said it would explode or blow up was because when we first added the shaving cream, it got bigger and bigger. I love how their little minds work!!! If you would like a copy of my Rain Jar in a Cloud Printable you can:


Well,  today is the first time in a while that we have seen any spring weather.  We still have a lot to do in our weather unit, but I would say we are off to a great start. What do you think??

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Continue on The Best for the Best Teacher Appreciation Blog Hop by clicking the picture below.

Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten

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