Friday, October 10, 2014

Five for Friday! A Linky Party!

Wow! What a busy week. I, for one, am glad it is Friday and it's a long weekend to 
boot. Yay! Today I'm linking up for Five for Friday with Doodlebugs. Here's what was 
happening in our room this week.

This week we have been working on sums of 10. My kiddos used my pumpkin task cards to play Scoot. Each card had a math problem with a missing addend and the sum was 10. We are still getting the hang of Scoot but I must say, they ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!

Have you all heard about Heidi's Songs? I love them for teaching Phonics! When it comes to teaching sounds Heidi has a song for it. I was fortunate to meet Heidi at a SDE Conference last year. My kids love her songs and when I teach a sound using one of her songs they never forget the sound. This week we used her /ar/ as in Pirate song and /er/, /ir/, and /ur/ Mr. Tiger song. 

We also went on a treasure hunt looking for ar words. Once we found all the words it led to a treasure chest filled with candy bars! Then we made these cute pirates.

Every week I partner with our 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Waugh, and we invite a Mystery Reader to our classroom to read to our students. Our kiddos have no idea who is coming to read. Our mystery guest could be another teacher, principal, board member, parent, grandparent, or someone from the community. We encourage our guest readers to bring a few of their favorite stories to share with us. This week our guest reader was the dad of one of my students who is also a teacher at our school. His son had no idea that his dad was going to read to us but he was very happy when he found out. One of the books that he brought was Blueberries for Sal. One of my many favorites.

We have been working on sums of 10 for a few weeks now and this week we learned this cute song. I only have 10 students, so I broke my class up into two groups. One group picked a number between 0-10 and sang the first two lines of the song filling in the blank with the number they picked. Then the other group huddled together to figure out how much they would need. Then they sang the last four lines back to the first group. This was such a fun activity! I loved watching them as their little minds went to work solving the problem. The song is not an original of mine. I found it online a while back. Here is a copy of the song. 

Last but not least, is our trip to the farm. We have been studying animals for about 3-4 weeks and it was time for a field trip. We visited a local farm and saw lots of animals, went on a wagon ride, and had a yummy ice cream snack. Then when we returned from the field trip we did a writing activity.

Happy Friday 
and have a great weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. I love Heidi songs! She is great - definitely a song for everything! I really love your idea of the mystery reader each week. I want to talk to the other kindergarten teacher in my building to see how we could work that out - it sounds awesome!
