Monday, February 15, 2016

The 100th Day, Valentine's Day and PJ'S

We always think it just might happen BUT it usually doesn't. What, you ask?? The 100th Day ends up on our Valentine's party day. Talk about an exciting day! Then just to add a little more fun we decided to celebrate by wearing our PJ's to school. All I can say is,

Oh Boy!

There is nothing better than getting to wear your pj's and favorite slippers to school!

We started out on Thursday making our Valentine bags. Of course I headed right to Pinterest to get my inspiration. I was looking for something that would be easy since I did leave it to the last minute. 
I found these adorable Valentine Heart Bags that 1st Grade Fantabulous did a few years ago. They were simple, easy and adorable. This is what they looked like when we were done.

Aren't they the cutest???

The night before the party I made there valentines. Again, I was inspired by Pinterest. I found the sweetest valentines that you put on a glowstick. So cute! You can find them at Moms By Heart
 I didn't want to do color prints so I made my own version that I could copy onto red and pink card stock and then add the glow stick. I liked how they turned out.

Since we were arriving in our pj's I thought it would be fun to have a morning snack when the kids arrived. We had cereal to start our day with some bacon and eggs.

 My sister-in-law helped me make these cute little candies that look like bacon and eggs & sausage and eggs. You can find out how to make them by clicking here Rambling Wren 

We watched Froggy's First Kiss while eating our cereal and bacon & eggs. Don't you love the Froggy books? My kiddos do!

We made these adorable 100th Day hats.

We used 100 marshmallows with toothpicks to make some great creations. They loved this activity!

We ended our day by delivering our valentines and opening them.

Overall, it was a GREAT day!!

1 comment:

  1. Love all the fun, integrated ideas! They make for a great Valentine's Day party!
