Saturday, September 11, 2021

A Peek at Our Week!

 This week was our first week of school. We had Monday off so it was a four day week. I think my kiddos and I both felt like it was 5 days long though! We are all still getting used to being back in school and we are all wiped at the end of the day! 

This week we really worked on routines. How to line up quietly, how to work together, how to write our letters neatly, and so much more. We started our Take Home Folders that go back and forth each day. Every morning they show me their folder, and then they get a sticker. My kiddos love stickers and are excited to pick one out. Each child has a sticker folder where they have a baggie of special stickers that they can choose from. They also have a monthly sticker sheet that they put their sticker on. At the end of the month they get to take the sticker sheet home and show it to their parents. Then they start the next month's sticker sheet. 

If you would like to check out my sticker folder cover and monthly sheets CLICK HERE

On Friday afternoon we finished our bible lesson on Abraham with a fun sequence of events activity. We worked in groups putting sentence strips about our weekly bible story in order. They worked together to read the sentences and then had to decide and agree on what order they should go in. Once they thought they had the correct order, one person in the group would hit the buzzer. If they were correct they won, but if not they had to keep working on it. Even if their team didn't win each group had to continue until they figured it out. I was there to give clues if needed. 

This activity was a huge hit and is always a favorite! I use this same activity in reading, social studies and science. 

You can purchase the buzzers   HERE

By the time Friday rolled around I was ready for the weekend. I attended my nephew's varsity football game. I have to be honest, I do NOT know the rules of football (my kids played soccer and basketball), BUT I had a lot of fun cheering him on.

Time with the family at a football game was a great way to wrap up the week.

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